


In a joint initiative of the Museum of Archaeology and Ethnography of the District of Setúbal (MAEDS) / Association of Municipalities of the Region of Setúbal (AMRS), Inter-museums Forum of the Setúbal District (FIDS), Municipal Museums of Almada (Municipality of Almada), International Council of Museums Portugal (ICOM-Portugal), ICOM-CECA and the Portuguese Association of Museology (APOM) decided to hold a Symposium to reflect about Museums in contemporary society with a particular focus on Research and Education functions analysed on local, regional and global scales.

The vitality of museums and its ability to resist the rapid erosion of the materialities provoked by the consumer society lies prioritory in research, by means of innovation, knowledge certification and preservation of the Collective Heritage and Memory.

The important role played by museums in non-formal and informal education through the integration of multiple values has transformed the museum space into a central place of education for citizenship, throughout life and in accordance with the free choices of its publics. It is therefore one of the rare poles of freedom in the urban framework in which we move.

Based on the previous premises it is intended that the Symposium will be a time for debate, sharing of experiences, transfer of information and (why not?) Incubation of innovations for this sector of cultural activity.



Museum of Archeology and Ethnography of the District of Setúbal (MAEDS) / Association of Municipalities of the Region of Setúbal (AMRS); Inter-museums Forum of the Setúbal District (FIDS); Museums and Local History Division (Municipality of Almada); International Council of Museums Portugal (ICOM-Portugal); ICOM-CECA and the Portuguese Association of Museology (APOM).


Organizing Committee: Joaquina Soares, Mário Antas, Luís Pequito, João Naeto e Miguel Feio.


Scientific Commission:

Ana Carvalho (University of Évora)
Alice Semedo (Faculty of Arts of the University of Porto)
António Carvalho (National Museum of Archeology and UNIARQ)
António Nabais (APOM)
António Camões Gouveia (FCSH of the New University of Lisbon)
António Martinho Baptista (Côa Park Museum)
Carlos Tavares da Silva (MAEDS / AMRS and UNIARQ)
Joana Monteiro (Museum of Lisbon)
João Neto (APOM / Museum of Pharmacy)
Joaquina Soares (MAEDS / AMRS and UNIARQ)
José Alberto Ribeiro (ICOM-Portugal and Ajuda Palace Museum)
Luís Pequito (DMHL / CMA and IHC / CEHFCI University of Évora)
Luís Raposo (ICOM Europe)
Mário Antas (ICOM-CECA Europe)
Mário Moutinho (Lusófona University)
Rui Parreira (Regional Directorate of Culture of the Algarve)
Vítor Serrão (Faculty of Letters of the University of Lisbon)


Executive Comission:

Ana Férias (MAEDS / AMRS)
Antónia Coelho-Soares (MAEDS / AMRS)
António Camarão (Municipality of Barreiro)
Clara Santos (Municipality of Moita)
Fátima Afonso (Seixal Ecomuseum / CMS)
Fátima Contramestre (Municipality of Montijo)
Fernanda do Vale (Municipality of Santiago do Cacém)
Joana Esteves (DMHL / Municipality of Almada)
João Ventura (Municipality of Sesimbra)
José Matias (Municipality of Santiago do Cacém)
Luís Barros (DMHL / Municipality of Almada)
Lurdes Lopes (Municipality of Barreiro)
Michelle Santos (Municipality of Palmela)
Miguel Correia (Municipality of Alcochete)
Paula Covas (MAEDS / AMRS)
Susana Duarte (MAEDS / AMRS)
Teresa Rita Pereira (MAEDS / AMRS)